
Showing posts from June, 2009

Miguelito y Pablito

" Qué gran amor me tienen", Apenas me presienten; Miguel y Pablo, corren para verme, corren a la puerta. Corren por tenerme. Cuando dando saltos, buscan a la puerta, salen de a pasitos, a darme sus besitos. Cuando dando saltos, estiran sus manitas, Muy acomedidos, esperan su mamita. Entre sus bracitos, cada uno a su tiempo, el uno me estrecha, el otro me aprieta. El grande muy serio y pensativo, el pequeño muy risueño y juguetón. Uno me cierra, otro me abraza, amoroso el uno y besucón el otro. Cuánto me halagan, cuanto me aman.

Take the Risk to know Colombia

Take the Risk to Know Colombia Maybe you had heard about a Country Called Colombia, or by some Columbia, well you know what we are talking about. It is a third world country with a population of 42 millions of people which 99% of their population are nice, hardworking, honest, and not growing marijuana or coca or poppy. Take the risk to know about variety of climates, landscapes, animal life, colors, sunsets, a romance and textures, 3.500 hundreds tips of orquids, largest number of species of birds and frogs in the world, 3rd country in biodiversity, 14.000 species of butterflies, take the risk of knowing people passion for music, literature, art, creativity and development. Take the risk to explore the riches, the 3rd world producer of coal, the 3rd world producer of bananas, the 1st producer of flowers, the 1st producer of emeralds. Its charms, its pride and its wonders, take the risk to drink our Colombian Coffee the richest coffee in the world. Take the risk to know a Country who ...